Monday, January 4, 2016

(My Take On) Resolutions

January is the "Monday" of months if you ask me. Mind you, I love Mondays. It's a fresh start, a chance to make the week (or in this case the year) a clean slate. 

Resolutions seem to be the perfect way to keep these goals for the year in check. I thought I'd share some of my resolutions for 2016 and hopefully give you inspiration for some of yours. 

Warning: my resolutions might be different then what you are used to...

1. Lose a bunch of weight, and have abs for days. While creating weight loss goals (for healthy reasons) or wanting to feel more toned aren't bad things, they often leave me feeling insecure, stressed, and downright shitty. 

For the past couple of years, I've tried to be a runner. Forcing myself on painstaking runs just to get that endorphin rush and acknowledgement that "yeah, I'm fit because I run," feeling. 

However, this year I'm done. That's right, done. My journey of self-love and body positivity has been a long one, and I'm finally ready to make the next step: being content with myself. Working out not for #bodygoals (seriously hate that hashtag btw) but for what feels good. 

I'm coming up on a year of yoga, and can't be more excited that I've started this practice. Along with weekly yoga sessions at my studio, I try to make daily walks a thing. Not for distance or time but to clear my mind. This has seriously helped my mental state, and I encourage you to try it if you are willing. Music or no music doesn't matter but put that phone away and just watch the world around you. 

2. Go on a no meat, no dairy, no gluten, no fat, no sugar diet.  I'm a firm believer in "moderation is key." However, I don't always practice what I preach. Moderation is hard for me, as I tend to be "all or nothing." 

When I eat chocolate, I want to eat the whole stash, or I don't let myself have any at all. When I drink, I just can't be content with having just one (even though I'm a light weight and really should just have one). When I try to avoid sugar for the day, I don't let myself eat any whatsoever. 

There ARE days that I do live in moderation. In fact, the majority of days I live in moderation. However, this year I want to strive to fully accept this life choice. I have struggled with a lot of food and body issues in the past, and don't want that to define if I let myself have a slice of cake or not.

3. Get the latest and greatest technology, clothes, hairdos, everything.  Sometimes, being in the fashion industry is hard. You want to stay on trend, however, you don't want to spend a fortune of money while doing so.

This leads to a closet full of random clothes, and a bunch of stuff I really don't need. This year I want to focus on living minimally. Only having clothes that I wear often, and not caring that my outfit today looks similar to one I wore the other day.  

Screw Kate Sanders, who cares if you are an outfit repeater?! If you don't get that reference, I will personally sit and watch the Lizzie McGuire episode with you ;)

Sifting through my closet is hard, no denying it. But what I've done already has felt so good. I can't wait to further my progress in minimalism throughout the new year.

Self-acceptance seems to be my theme for the new year, wouldn't you say? Accepting my body, my diet, my material goods. It's weird to feel so content with where you are in time, especially in a society that really says that isn't okay.

My challenge for all of you is to have one self-acceptance resolution this year. It could be one of the ones I've talked about above, or it could be entirely different. But remember that happiness doesn't come by comparing yourself to those around you. It doesn't come by trying to change who you are physically or emotionally. It comes by accepting who you are. And I plan to start right now.

Until Next Time,



  1. Yes to the Lizzie McGuire reference! I really enjoyed this post and I can't wait to see what you accomplish in 2016!

    1. Thank you so much, Ashley! The same goes to you and The Fashion Speak ❤️

